What can Down Counselling offer?
Private counselling is available when you need it.
Private counselling appointments can usually be arranged within days.
The Down Counselling Practice is based in the Market House, Ballynahinch & at the Down Business Centre, Downpatrick
It can be difficult finding time for counselling. Evening and Saturday morning appointments are available.
It is important that you feel you can work with your counsellor (private or otherwise). You are in control of who you see for counselling.
Agree the number and frequency of sessions you need. You can return at a later date and see the same counsellor.
You might prefer not to arrange counselling via your Doctor*., work scheme or charitable/voluntary organisation.
An opportunity to try a different type of counselling more suited to your needs.
You do not have to be in the middle of a crisis. Use counselling to address issues in your life before they impact significantly.
Down Counselling is for people who perhaps:
Prefer to see a private counsellor.
Prefer not to go through their G.P. for counselling (in some circumstances your G.P. will be informed see Contract For Counselling). *
Prefer not to use their employer's counselling scheme.
Are self-employed and do not have access to a work based counselling scheme.
Are employers who wish to provide counselling for their staff.
Prefer not to see a counsellor in a voluntary/charity or statutory organisation.
Are on a waiting list for counselling but need support sooner.
Are finding it difficult to find time for counselling. Down Counselling offers day, evening and Saturday morning appointments.
Have received counselling through their employer or health insurance provider which only met some of their needs and believe they could benefit from further counselling.
Have received counselling elsewhere but it was limited due to resources.
Have been offered a type of counselling that they did not relate to and would like to explore a different approach. Down Counselling offers Person-Centred Counselling and Solution Focused Therapy.
Have been offered counselling elsewhere but it is not convenient. Down Counselling is based in The Market House Ballynahinch and Down Business Centre, Downpatrick.
Feel self conscious about going for counselling. The Market House and Down Business Centre are less obvious counselling venues as they are multi-functional. There is wheelchair access and a lift.
Want to have more freedom to return when they wish and not have to start again with a different therapist.
Want to be able to choose the number and frequency of their sessions.
Wish to use an accredited counsellor with experience of working with the issue they are facing.
Work or study in the counselling or other care giving profession.
Wherever you decide to receive counselling it is important that you feel comfortable with your counsellor. When choosing your counsellor the following may be important to you:
Am I more comfortable working with a male or female counsellor?
Am I confident that they have experience working with the issue I am facing?
What level of training and experience does the counsellor have?
Is the therapist accredited?
A counsellor should respect your wishes and accept that sometimes he or she is not the best person for you. In the same way that there is no one size fits all in terms of counselling approach, so too, a counsellor cannot always be all things to all people all of the time. The first session (sometimes called the assessment) is for both the client and counsellor to decide if a contract for counselling is appropriate or if the client's needs would be best met elsewhere. If you wish Down Counselling will help you find the help you need.